Monday, April 13, 2009

Great Chalet with a Twistz!

Okay...This is like the last chalet before we all start back facing books...
Was quite enjoyable with a =.= ending!

Gambling Den


2ND Best Chef!
Guitar Proz
Another Guitar Proz
Okay! All boil down to THIS...Yes...This is Nic Ang!
A Barcode? Said from Keith!
Head to this Blog to See what happenZ
Wanted to blog about but it isn't something nice to say :(
No Worries! Your Million dollar Face is still Good!
Ahh...Tmr Is My Poly Orientation! Weeee! Not expecting to see any any any any any any. Hope it will be fine! 8.30am to 5pm for 2 DAYS!
Will Blog How scary or fun it is!
Now...suddenly a sense of regret for not studying harder been bordering me,making me alittle depress. Now,having crappy results make doors close for me.(Not saying I have no choice to go NYP because of this.) Whether is about getting your love,money or accomplishment.
I just realise that having a Nice Cert would really play a
big role in your life.
For example,love,what if a girl you have a crush on went on to JC and Uni and led a great future.How about You? Do you even got the authority to even ask her for a date? I know true love has nothing to do with statues but how will you feel? Do you think you led a true meaning of life? Imagine her being the breadwinner while you just laze around at home. Are you there yet? Is this what you wana be?..So be it...
Money?Having to look at big houses,great cars while you look at yourself. Small house? Car-less? Seeing your friends go overseas,shopping and having a time of their life?
How about you? Barely even having a chance to taste or experience luxury? Do you even need to make ends meet? Don't you feel like you are a let down to yourself? Let down to the people around you? Maybe you like the life you are having now...So be it...
Of course money can make life simply more comfortable no worries about bills what-so-ever. Being RICH has just its disadvantages,for example separating the Weeds from the plants. If you get what I am trying to say... No offence to anyone
In the end,it is actually up to each individuals of what they want to be.
For example,Peter only learn that bronze is the most valuable metal.
Jack only know that silver is the most valuable metal.
Henry knows that Gold is the most valuable metal.
And when Peter and Jack have what they want,most probably they are contented with what they have, however both of them do not know about Gold...
Okay...I think I am starting to type no-link stuff! haha...
Till then...

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