Friday, July 3, 2009

Speak up...Why Can't I...

Sometimes I just feel like releasing my pent up frustration here...but there are people who read this forget it...

Right...Went out for a Mission to cycle to Republic poly to see Nic ang's babyZ but in the end didn't cos the weather was like going to rain heavily!
So in the end we did "freestyle" cycling around Singapore...Decided to cycle through Bishan Park 1 to 2 then headed to Lower Pierce to Upper Pierce Reservoir!
Had fun at Pierce Reservoir cos we cycled Up and Down Slopes X100!
There's 1 down slope we took which was so steep that we shout and scream while going down!
Was a good experience!
I am not camwhoring!
I just so happened to took a pic of myself! Lolz!

Cycled non-stop!

We kept cycling and stop at many areas of Pierce Reservoir

to play stone hopping game!

I can't stop owning THEM at it!

Lolz! Jk!

Like that! 4 times! hehe!
Monkeys 0.o!
Saw alot of stuff at pierce!
Like an Ant that is HUGE with a Big Butt!
I was like #$% close stepping on it cos I wondered what sound will it give!
Like "Piat!" or "Quak?" hehe!
This new Video chatting thingy introduced by GH! Coolz!
Download ooVoo asap everyone! Can video conference like ALOTZ!

"On the left" Nic ang and Pearleen together in the morning in a dark room!

Omg! What could had happened behind closed doors!!! AHH!


Feeling so crappy,after saying all the happy stuff out...left the sad stuff...

Nvm, shall take it as raining now and hoping for the sun rise...

Till then...

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